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Danai Mush


my name danai [/dəˈnÄ«/] means love in the shona (a native zimbabwean language). my last name is mushayandebvu. hence, *mush* love, a play on MUCH love, which is what i got.


i'm a toronto based believer and feminist who loves to create and is obsessed with words. i have a curious mind, i'm a cool hunter, and i'm passionate about humanitarian causes, i love to explore new cultures and travel the world. i'm a big time foodie and love a good patio. i'm a wellness enthusiast, i enjoy a bomb spin class. i LOVE music and live concerts. i'm a beauty addict and a superior napper. i'm your forever homie, and together we can dream big and conquer the world. 

i have created this space not only to share my work as well as my side of the story, but to connect with other likeminded woman.


this is for the adventurous woman who creates, loves hard, fights for what she wants, she believes her life into existence, while learning, and failing better along the way.


all too often, we only ever hear about the "success" story; about the blogger with thousands of likes, the dramatic weight loss, the make up artist with an endless repertoire of beautiful work -  only the highlight reel is spoken about. but what about the journey it took to get there? the people we met along the way? the breakthroughs, the disappointments, the lessons, the sleepless weeks, the mediocre 9-5 jobs, the cold-calls. the therapy, the WINE therapy, the lovers, the friends. most importantly, it's about the in between, and falling in love with creating your one true amazing life. 

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(416) 882-4868

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