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READ: BRAVE ENOUGH - Cheryl Strayed

I fell in love with Cheryl Strayed when I picked up Tiny Beautiful Things at a time in my life where I needed advice about love, friendship, and the future, and her truth was so palpable and honest that I felt like each piece that Sugar wrote was in some way for me. Then Brave Enough came out. I got it as a Christmas gift from my girl Carolyn and although it's a collection of her best quotes, it once again resonates with so many aspects of coming into your adult life, always tying in the idea that as a person you are worthy of giving yourself the best shot a living a great life.

Mush Love Monthly Tips


Make it a priority to travel to one new city (at least) every year, and spend time there like a local would, eating their food, taking their modes of transportation and soaking in their culture.


While having a mentor is super awesome, sometimes finding one isn't easy. In the mean time, pick two or three people you aspire to be (preferably with resources like a pastor, an author or a politician for example) and subscribe to their podcasts, read their books and follow them on twitter.


When in doubt, icecream is usually the best solution.

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